Geologic & Groundwater Consultancy


Our people logical and hard working  equipped with all the smarts to optimise your operation. Our geologists and field technicians range in experience from 1 year to 25 years and can cover the spectrum of geological requirements in your project

What We Provide

·      Soil mapping

·      Geologic Surveying

·      Geologic Assessment

·      Basic Desk Geological Report

·      Site-Specific Desk Geological Report

·      Geologic Surveys

·      Geologic Hazard studies

·      Geological Mapping and Modeling

·      Mineral resources evaluation

·      Geological Mining studies

·      Geoarcheological surveying

·      Petrographic Rock Analysis

·      Borehole Drilling Support Services

·      Rock sampling for petrographic, geochemical, mineral assaying, and geochronological analysis

·      Interpretation and integration of petrographic, geochemical, and geochronological data Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Georeferencing

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